Occasionally I am asked to speak on the subject of Angel Investing. I am always happy to accept invitations, as I am keen for people to know more about what we do. The following is a rather general resume for the purpose, which may be edited to suit.
David Bennett is a 35 year IT professional who started out as a medical graduate, built a successful software product business, and for the past 10 years has spent a lot of his time investing in early stage businesses.
David's software company Powerflex Corporation is still trading profitably after more than 20 years. His close contacts with the Microsoft community led to his being the lead investor and a founding director of Readify, a successful software services business.
David has made 10 Angel investments in as many years, in a range of industries but mostly with an IT focus. He is a founding member of Melbourne Angels with the roles of Vice President and Chair of the Screening Committee. He has made several investments through the group, and has been known to comment that putting money in is easier than getting it out.
David is available to speak on Angel Investing, particularly on investment screening and war stories.
You get to meet a really interesting bunch of people as an Angel Investor. Sometimes you even get to make money out of it. But like poker, if you run out of money you are out of the game.
If you need a speaker on the topic please contact me.