Dr David Meredith Bennett, MB BS MRCP FACS
Managing Director
Powerflex Corporation Pty Ltd
Managing Director
Anigo Systems Pty Ltd
Suite 5, 756 Blackburn Road
Clayton Vic 3168
Phone +613 9548 9114
Fax +613
9544 6471
Mobile +61 413 961 744
Please use the office phone for preference. You'll always get an answer during business hours, and I often don't hear my mobile.
Email to david at this domain will reach me, or use www.pfxcorp.com/contact.htm.
Make sure you take the turn into Duerdin Street or you will regret it!
You can also come from the opposite direction via Springvale Road and Dunlop Street, just south of the bridge over the freeway. Check the map.